Procedure of examining upper gastrointestinal tract from food-pipe (esophagus) to initial part of small intestine (2nd part of Duodenum)
Procedure of examining lower Gastro-intestinal tract with Colonoscope from anus to terminal ileum (last part of small intestine) through large intestine. Sigmoidoscopy is examination from anus to sigmoid colon (lower30-40 cm of large intestine) only.
An endoscope is a flexible tube with light and camera at one end. Enteroscopy is an endoscopic procedure used for visualization of small intestine which cannot be seen during conventional upper or lower GI endoscopies. Apart from visualization, diagnostic (taking biopsies) or therapeutic (removal of polyp, achieving hemostasis) procedure can also be performed. Sometimes, some other tests like CT scan, upper GI endoscopy, colonoscopy and/or capsule endoscopy may be performed prior to advising Enteroscopy.
At present, Prime hospital is the only center in Saurashtra-Kutch region to have the facility and expertise to perform enteroscopy.
ICapsule endoscopy is a procedure that uses a tiny wireless camera to take pictures of digestive tract from inside. A capsule endoscopy camera sits inside a vitamin-size capsule which is swallowed and as the capsule travels through the digestive tract, the camera takes thousands of pictures which can be retrieved with the help of a specialized software and are interpreted by an expert later on.
Patient may need to undergo a CT scan abdomen to rule out narrowing of digestive tract which may halt the passage of capsule and may cause intestinal obstruction.
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is a specialized endoscopy procedure, where a flexible endoscope with an inbuilt small ultrasound device, is passed inside through the mouth into the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). It is a non-radiation investigation. While conventional endoscopy sees only the superficial or innermost lining (mucosal surface) of the wall of the GIT, EUS offers unique additional advantage of precise and deeper visualization of organs and structures that lies beyond the luminal wall GIT e.g. pancreas, bile duct, gallbladder, adrenal, and structures located deeper parts of chest (mediastinum) and abdomen. It also helps in assessing the different layers of the wall which helps in diagnoses and staging of various tumours.
Hemostasis is the procedure to stop bleeding. Patients with bleeding from gastro- intestinal tract, may present with red or black colored vomiting and/or red/black colored stool. Upper GI endoscopy and colonoscopy can be used in the management of such bleeding. It is one of the most evolving areas of Gastroenterology.
The patient may present with low blood pressure and may need to be admitted in ICU for stabilization. A tube may be placed through the nose for lavage in order to empty the gastric content or a purgative may be given to empty the large bowel for better visualization during endoscopy. Sometimes, when the blood vomiting is massive, a tube may be inserted in the trachea (wind-pipe) of the patient to prevent the blood from entering and compromising patient’s breathing. In most of the patients, endoscopy will be done in 6 to 24 hours.
The 24-hour esophageal pH test is performed to measure the pH or amount of acid that flows into the esophagus from the stomach during a 24-hour period.
Esophageal manometry is a test that is used to measure the function of the lower esophageal sphincter (the valve that prevents reflux, or backward flow, of gastric acid into the esophagus) and the muscles of the esophagus. This test will tell if your esophagus is able to move food to the stomach normally. The esophagus is a long, muscular tube that connects your throat to the stomach.
Anorectal manometry is a test that measures how well the rectum and anal sphincters work together in co-ordination to eliminate stool (feces). It measures the force generated by rectal muscle along with the relaxation of anal sphincter during defecation so that the passage of stool is uninhibited.
The anal sphincter has an internal and external sphincter, or valve, which helps to control continence (passing) of stool. These valves are made of muscles that control the opening and closing of the anus.
Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is a procedure to remove deep tumors from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It may be performed as a day-care procedure or an indoor procedure requiring 24 hours hospitalization.
Only a few centers in the India perform ESD because the procedure requires a high degree of expertise and this is the only center in Saurashtra-Kutch region with expertise to perform it. ESD helps patients recover faster, often with less pain, than with open or laparoscopic surgical procedures with outcomes comparable to that of surgical procedures. .
It is an endoscopic procedure used to treat swallowing disorders, most commonly for Achalasia. This is an in-patient procedure and can take between one to three hours to complete.Achalasia and other swallowing disorders are usually caused by the esophagus muscles dysfunction and failure of lower esophagus sphincter muscles to relax, making it hard to swallow and hard for the food to pass into the stomach. Other symptoms besides swallowing issues may be retrosternal pain while swallowing food, weight loss, regurgitation of undigested food, recurrent cough and an overall low quality of life.
A benefit of having an endoscopic procedure, especially for swallowing disorders, is that there are no incisions in the chest or abdomen and includes a minimal or sometimes no hospital stay post-procedure. Currently there are only a handful of centers in the India offering this less-invasive approach to treating swallowing disorders and this is the only center in Saurashtra-Kutch region offering this procedure.
A liver biopsy is a procedure to remove a small piece of liver tissue with the help of a small needle, so it can be examined under a microscope for signs of damage or disease. It can be used to diagnose various liver diseases, to assess severity of liver damage and to diagnose liver cancer.
Ascites tapping is a procedure to remove excess fluid from the abdominal cavity with the help of the needle. Excess fluid in the abdomen is called “ascites” Normally, there is no ascites. The most common reason of ascites is a liver condition known as cirrhosis. Other causes are Tuberculosis, cancer, pancreas, heart or kidney diseases.
SEMS are metallic tubes made up of Nitinol. They can be squeezed into smaller diameter and when deployed at the desired site, they can expand to the original size and shape due to their characteristic of ‘memory’. Due to this characteristic, they can be placed across the narrowed areas of esophagus, pylorus, duodenum, bile duct or colon and the compromised lumen can be expanded to relieve the obstructive symptoms. They can also be used to compress the bleeding esophageal varices when other measures to control the bleeding fail.
The Endoscopy Unit at Prime Institute of Digestive sciences’s aim is to provide a diagnosis and treatment for people with symptoms of upper and lower Gastrointestinal problems. The department benefits from a Consultant body of Gastroenterologists who perform procedures, assisted by highly skilled endoscopy nurses on patients .Advanced endoscopic theaters compatible for all kind of GI diagnostics and therapeutic procedures.
Pathology is a branch of medical science primarily concerning the cause, origin and nature of disease. It involves the examination of tissues, organs, bodily fluids and autopsies in order to study and diagnose disease.
Prime Hospital’s Department of Radiology provides high-quality imaging using state-of- the-art imaging technology. We offer patients and clinicians the most advanced imaging and radiology services to guide clinical decision making. We provide high-quality images and informed interpretations to referring doctors. By enabling a precise diagnosis of your problem, we help ensure you receive the best possible treatment.